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Summer Fun

Summer Fun

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It’s that time again – Summer Break - and you are stressing because you don’t have much money saved PLUS you haven’t taken the first step to finalize plans for this year’s Summer Vacation. Hey! I’ve got just the ticket for you, read on…

“Never Again Spend Way Too Much Money Disappointing Your Kids With Another Boring Summer Because This Year You and Your Family Are Going To Make A Lifetime Of Memories With The NOT SO USUAL SUMMER BREAK!”

June is quickly closing in and your summer vacation plans are not looking too impressive. It won’t be long and the kids will be home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sending them off to church camp isn’t something you want to do. That’s more like sending your kids off to “chore camp” and you really want to spend memorable time with your family.

Still, thinking back to last year, you recall the kids were whining with boredom in the first week of June. Just yesterday the kids asked about plans for this year’s summer fun. Of course they weren’t fooled by your double-talk and empty sounding promises. They know they are facing two months of television, Playstation and Angry Birds.

Talk about maxing out your credit card…

Maybe other families have it easy saving money for summer. Of course, they weren’t plagued with those dreaded disasters that suck money out of your savings. Like needing a new distribution line installed for the septic – and why does digging a trench cost $1,200 anyway? Plus, the root canal for you totaled another $2K. It wasn’t that you didn’t try to put away money, but life got in the way.

So what if you could have a bundle of great ideas to get the kids out of the house and exercising their minds as well as their bodies. Well, you can! Simply Download this fun and quick read I called:


This special report isn’t about sending kids out to the backyard to play Hide-and-Seek day after day. This is about providing your kids with real fun and fitness experiences that leave their minds sparking with new ideas, their muscles toned from activity and memories that last a lifetime.

Fitness & Fun Activities for the Family That Don’t Leave Your Credit Cards Maxed Out or Pillage Your Checking Account

Stop stressing and scratching your head wondering what to do this summer because we’re loading you up with the ultimate manual of summer family fun! Here are some of the highlights:

  • 17 Summer Fitness Activities that Will Get Your Kids Off the Couch

  • 14 Money Saving Tips to Squeeze Every Penny Out of Your Hard Earned Dollars

  • 10 Hot Destinations for Where The Kids Will Never Realize They Are Learning New Stuff & Burning Calories While Having A Blast

  • 6 Tactics to “Psych” Every One Up For Family Time Together

  • No More Whining. No More Embarrassed Kids.

Listen, you know “boredom whiny days” are just around the corner. But what about that haunting memory when your daughter Rosie came home last September in tears from school simply because she was embarrassed to report to the class what “fun” she had for the summer.

Lordy. What a cry fest that was. So, let’s not go there again…

When you read this report you have access to an inventory of ideas you can unleash any time this summer.

This report is packed with over 40 ideas you can use to keep the kids active and engaged this summer. There are plans for free summer activities as well as tips for minimizing expenses along the way.