Staying Healthy As You Age (Audio & eBook)
Master The Secrets Of A Ripe, Healthy And Vibrant Old Age… And Live Better Than You Did In Your Twenties And Thirties!
Learn How To Enjoy Life Well Into Your Golden Years . . .
From the Desk of: Rich Lanning
Re: Are You a Senior Citizen and Healthy?
Are you among the elite population of citizens approaching the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond that think, “it’s too late for me!”
I’ll let you in on a little secret. It’s NEVER too late. NEVER too late to start living the best life you possibly can. All you need is a few little secrets.
Have you always wanted to make significant changes to your body composition so you have the opportunity to enjoy health and vitality well into your 80s and beyond?
Well now you can, and it’s much easier than you think. It doesn’t require a magic pill or magic bullet, just cold, hard common sense.
First, let’s talk facts.
According to statistics, the population is aging at an incredibly fast rate. In fact,
According to the Administration on Aging and Department of Health and Human Services, more than 36 million people were 65 or older in 2005, representing more than 12% of the population…
As if that weren’t enough, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services predicts that by the year 2030, there will be more than 71 million senior citizens in the United States alone, comprising up to 20% of the population.
Here are some other vital facts about the aging population provided by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services:
Health And Living Statistics On The Aging Population
What does all this mean? It means people are living longer, but suffering from more debilitating health conditions.
Diseases like cancer, heart disease, hypertensions, diabetes and obesity… are all symptoms of aging.
No one wants to get old and feel sick.
The good news however, is you do not have to resign yourself to living life poorly just because you are aging.
In fact, there are people that live well into their 90s that are the epitome of good health.
How do they do it? They know the secrets of aging well. The secrets of aging well aren’t complicated. In fact, they are easy.
Here is a secret. To age well and prevent disease you have to know the exact diet to eat during each decade of your life, and the exact exercise programs you should be following during each decade of your life.
As your body ages, your needs change, so you have to adapt the way you live to eat and live right.
Fortunately, scientists have studied the human body for decades and have developed age specific health and fitness programs that enable elderly people to live life to their fullest, well into their 90s.
If you or someone you know is aging, it’s time to stop thinking about how bad your body is going to be, and time to start thinking about how to live your life as healthily as possible.
As your body changes, your body composition changes. You don’t have to resign yourself to a debilitating life, but you do have to understand the changes occurring in your body so you can enjoy health and vitality for several decades more.
There are in fact, many elderly people who are MORE healthy at age 80 than they were in their 20s. The bottom line? It’s NEVER TOO LATE to start taking care of your body.
The key is understanding what your body needs at each age. That’s where we come in.
We’ve developed a simple, modern and concise guide based on current research to help you fine-tune your eating, exercising and sleep patterns during your 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond.
This unique guide will help you avoid some of the biggest mistakes people make when considering their health as they age. For the first time ever, we are able to offer our unique guide in digital format saving YOU money.
Staying Healthy As You Age
Your Guide To Staying Healthy And Fit Well
Into Your Golden Years!
Here’s a sneak peak at what you’ll learn when you invest in this vital, life-changing guide today:
- Learn why people consider retirement the new puberty, and how you can start living your life like you were twenty well through your sixties, seventies and beyond.
- Discover what life is really like in the “third age” or when you reach your 40’s, and what steps you have to take to preserve your health and wellness during this fun and exciting decade of life.
- Learn what the most common body changes are and complications are as you reach your 50s, and how to overcome major obstacles faced by anyone approaching or well into their fifties.
- Discover key steps for approaching fitness in your 40s, 50s and beyond so you can live longer and live a more rewarding life.
- Find out how you can exercise safely and effectively in your 60s, so you become healthier than most 20 year olds.
- Discover how to beat back the lion during your 70s, and how you can improve your fitness, appetite and sleep cycles well into your 80s and beyond.
- Learn what types of food are appropriate at each stage of life, and how you can maximize your longevity by eating the right foods at the right time.
- Discover how to prevent many of the health problems often associated with aging, and what screenings you may need to catch health problems early (so you can stop them in their tracks).
- And Much More!
Consider Staying Healthy As You Age your lifeline, the key to your success. Now you are thinking, “What is this lifeline going to cost me?” We’ll tell you. It’s going to cost less than a great steak dinner at a restaurant.
Because we are able to offer our guide in digital format, we SAVE money… and pass these savings on to you. Therefore, for a limited time we are offering Staying Healthy As You Age for the introductory price of just $9.95. CLICK HERE to reserve your copy today.
Don’t hesitate. Why? You put your health at risk. Remember a large majority of the elderly develops chronic, life-altering diseases as they age. You don’t HAVE to get sick however. You can live a healthy and rewarding life if you know WHAT to eat, WHEN to eat and HOW to exercise during each decade of your life.
And your measly investment? It’s RISK FREE. Act now and ORDER YOUR COPY in the next 24 hours, and we’ll offer you an unconditional 60-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.
That means if for any reason at all you aren’t satisfied with your purchase, just let us know and we’ll give you your money back. |
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