Rabbit Care Secrets
Dear Fellow Rabbit Lover,
I am assuming that you were drawn to this page because of your interest in rabbits. And either you are thinking about getting a rabbit or already have one or two.
I love rabbits, too.
Rabbits are so cute, and very intelligent. They need a little attention, like any other creature but can provide much love, devotion and profit (if you prefer.) They are very fragile and can easily be hurt by handling them wrong and can even be scared to death.
On that note let me ask you a few questions...
Are you looking for reliable information about the care of your rabbit?
Would you like for your rabbit to trust you as a friend?
Do you wish you could find the support you need to properly care for your rabbits?
Would you like for your rabbit to feel safe and secure in your home?
Would you like to know how to actually take care of rabbits?
I can hear your positive response.
Don’t worry… I can show you how to take care of them from my many years of experience and research. You can rest assured that my experience can work for you and create an environment for happy and healthy rabbits. Rabbits can offer the same love, devotion and enjoyment as any other pet and can become a vital part of your family.
Rabbits are not like other pets. They are unique and until families with rabbits understand, there will continue to be abandoned rabbits and unintentional cruelty. They can live up to 15 years with the proper care and love and a few small details. You cannot just buy a rabbit, put it in a cage in the back yard, ignore it and expect it to flourish.
My inspiration to offer help came from a great deal of effort. Some friends of mine had one die from the fireworks demonstration nearby. Poor thing was literally scared to death. This tragedy could have been prevented. Let me show you how.
I have compiled all the information you need in one place to find the enjoyment you and your rabbit deserve!
Everyone I know with rabbits has never had a step-by-step guide like this until now. None of the people I talked to, have ever heard of a guide for the care of rabbits. There are many guides for the care of other animals, but nothing with this detail for the care of rabbits. All of them have raved about this guide and wished I had written it years ago! Everyone involved in the companionship, care and growth of rabbits needs this book.
These innocent animals need care from birth through every stage of their sweet lives. Ignorance is no excuse for abuse and cruelty, even though it may be unintentional.
I spent countless hours interviewing vets, owners, breeders and others involved in rabbits for business. I used the information I gathered and put it in one place. I compiled this guide from these interviews, years of personal experience and detailed research. It is the most complete guide available today.
My complete step-by-step guide is yours for the asking. I titled it, “The Ultimate Guide for Rabbit Care” because that is what it is, the only guide you will need.
My guide can teach you the best breed to get. Some breeds are better than others as pets. Rabbits for business use may need to be other breeds. No one interested in rabbit care intentionally wants to hurt these innocent creatures. My book will help avoid hurting them and teach you how to hold them and care for them in the best way possible for happy, healthy pets.
You’ll learn about the care of rabbits the easy way. If you are a beginner or haven’t had rabbits since childhood, get my book and read it before getting another rabbit. It is entertaining, and easy to read. This is the best way to prepare for your new addition to the family. It is also beneficial if you are interested in raising rabbits for profit. It even contains valuable information for those who have some experience in rabbit care and already have rabbits.
Did you know you can train a rabbit to do things? Yes, you can. They are very intelligent and most people do not understand them. There is a right way to care for them and a wrong way. I briefly touch on the wrong way as an example only. This guide can save money and time and eliminates the “trial and error” way. It can save time in research as I have already done it for you.
“The Ultimate Guide for Rabbit Care”:
This book is for anyone, whether you are just beginning, or an expert. Everyone will learn something from my book. Even though experience is the best teacher, knowledge can be just as powerful in the right hands.
My book can help you even if you do not own a pet rabbit. If you are interested in learning more about rabbits and wish to be confident in your decision to get one, get this book first. My book will aid your decision and help decide if a rabbit is a good pet for you.
Here’s a brief list of what’s inside:
- What the beginner should know before getting the first rabbit
- Step-by-step guide to follow
- Medical expertise and when to consult a vet
- Rabbit care the right way
- Tips on the proper time and amount to feed your rabbit
- The best foods for maximum health
- Supplements even the experts don’t know about
- Want to spoil your pet? Here are some treats they will love
- Essential supplies to keep on hand for any situation
- Rabbits for business? Here’s what you need to know before beginning
- Comprehensive list of legal and tax requirements
- How to train your rabbit and impress your friends
- You can teach your pet to use a litter box
- Different breeds for different purposes
- Found a wild baby? Tips on its care
- Warnings about proper care and training and what not to do
- Differences between domestic and wild rabbits
- Various types of domestic rabbits and which are best for what purpose
- Various types of wild rabbits and their special care
- The right way to cuddle, hold and play with your pet
- Know about the special toys for rabbits
- How to live with rabbits in your home and keep them healthy and happy
- A comprehensive list of resources for more information
- Rabbits can be fun with the proper care and training
- You will be the resident expert
- How to bond with your pet and keep your rabbit happy
- How to train your rabbit
- How to get your rabbit to trust and love you
- How to easily meet your pet’s needs
- Helpful information that will even amaze the experts
- How to bring out the best in your pet
- Make your new family member feel special
- Become an expert yourself in all breeds of rabbits
- How to care for a wild rabbit
- How to take care of a sick rabbit and prevent most illnesses before they happen
- Emergency care for an injured rabbit
- Advice for first time owner or professional
- Research for students of veterinary medicine
- Resources for additional information about a specific topic
- How to teach children about rabbit care and handling
- Benefits and considerations of a rabbit breeding business
- Proper rabbit breeding guidelines
- Most up-to-date information about rabbits and their care
- Advantages and disadvantages of rabbits as house pets
- Proper food rationing and best feeding times
- Best supplements to make sure your rabbit stays healthy even into old age
- List of must-have supplies to have on hand before bringing your new pet home
- How to prepare government paperwork for a rabbit breeding business
- Advice from experts such as wildlife rangers and veterinarians
- How to tell the breeds apart by color and features
- …and a lot more in between!
Let’s Have A Taste Of Some of the Benefits
of This Amazing E-Book
- Environmentally friendly – no paper book to lose or tear up
- Easy, relaxing enjoyable reading
- Good reference material for reviewing for specifics
- Detailed chapter outlines for finding specific information quickly
- Cheaper than printed books
- Amusing for children from age 7 to read
- Approved by experts in the field of rabbit care
- Helpful information compiled in one source
- Little known information about rabbit care at your fingertips
- Benefits for successful breeders too
- Latest information available and includes updates
- Positive results in the first week of ownership
- Easy to follow instructions
- Reasonable price
- You’ll be able to show off how intelligent your new pet is
How Much Is My Expert Advice Worth to You?
At one time I thought about using this book as a reference manual for veterinary seminars or as a textbook for college classes. The information I have compiled is very valuable and I could get the maximum amount of its worth by making it available only to instructors and students.
The cost for this book as a tool for seminars or as a college textbook can run from $95.00 to $150.00. The hours I spent in research and months conducting interviews would make this book much more valuable. Imagine how much time, effort and frustration I am saving you. This book becomes much more valuable with time.
After considering the time and effort required into publishing this book and thinking of the countless numbers of ordinary people who could also benefit from my knowledge, I decided to offer it to everyone at a low price and make it available as a downloadable e-book. Since I don’t have to worry about finding a printer and publisher, I can offer it at a lower price. You can benefit from all this amazing knowledge and my hard work in research, interviews and writing.
I have decided to offer it to everyone for $14.95.
That’s right; my “Ultimate Guide for Rabbit Care” can be purchased directly from me for only $14.95.
Compiling and writing this e-book cost considerably more than that, but I wanted to make it reasonable and affordable for everyone.
Keep in mind, my e-book can give you amazing results in just a few days and make you the resident expert in all phases of rabbit care and handling. Discover for yourself the joys available in owning your very own pet rabbit and all the love you can give and receive from this innocent yet intelligent creature.
Wait…You’re Just on Time
I am offering this valuable e-book for only $14.95 but if you order right now I can reduce the price even lower. You can get my amazing e-book at the even more amazing price of $4.95 if you order it right now. By ordering it now, instead of later, you can save $10.00!
With this price, I am also going to offer something more. How does a money-back guarantee sound?
Yes, you are reading this correctly.
60-Day, No Pressure, 100% Money-Back Guarantee!
Read my e-book and apply some of the tips you find. Your rabbit will become an integral part of your family. The strategies you will find in my step-by-step guide will enable you to give your pet rabbit the love and care it deserves and in return, it will give you love and companionship for many years.
“The Ultimate Guide for Rabbit Care” will give you all the information you need to create a loving home and healthy environment for your pet rabbit. It will help you raise healthy litters of rabbits for others to enjoy. It will help you find the best breeds for business purposes and help maximize your profits. It will help you find the best breeders and keep them healthy enough to reproduce for many years.
100% No-Questions Asked, 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
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You have nothing to lose! You can have 60 trouble-free days to read this book and try the principles I have put together for you. Build a lasting relationship with your pet rabbit; discover how intelligent she is and how happy she can be.
Is this the most reasonable offer you’ve had all day or what?
“Okay, How Can I Get “The Ultimate Guide
for Rabbit Care” Right Now?”
To order my simple, step-by-step e-book, simply click on the order button above. You can make your payment by PayPal © in US Dollars. Your new e-book will instantly be available for download.
Your payment will take roughly 10 seconds to be processed and once approved; you will be directed to my private web site and instructed how to download your e-book. You can begin to read it immediately and start applying the principles right away. Learning from an expert can not be easier than this.
Get "The Ultimate Guide for Rabbit Care"
Yes, Anthony Carle, I want to order The Ultimate Guide for Rabbit Care today and discover how I can take care of my lovely rabbit!
With my order, I realize I have a full 60 days to review this guide. If, at that time, I decide this guide is not for me, I can request a full refund - no questions asked.
I would strongly advise you to act right away before I change my mind. I am sure you will agree this is the best value anywhere for your money. Take it from an animal lover. You can find true happiness and love in the eyes of a beautiful, innocent creature who loves you whole-heartedly. My wish for you is to find the love you deserve in the friendship and love of a beautiful rabbit. Don’t pass up this incredible offer. You will be so glad you ordered and read my book.
Anthony Carle
Author, "The Ultimate Guide for Rabbit Care”