Make Solo Travelling Fun
Are You Tired Of Being Bored, Wishing You Were Somewhere Fun And Exciting Along With Other Young Singles Just Like You?
"Discover The Fun, Exciting And Wild World Of Affordable Singles Travel… And Start Partying In The World's Hottest Party Destinations With The Worlds Most Beautiful And Sexy Singles!"
WARNING: This letter is not for everyone, so unless you are between the ages of 18-35, are single and crave fun and excitement in the worlds hottest party destinations…this letter will probably be of no interest to you.
From the desk of: Rich PLR
Date: May 23, 2017
Dear Friend:
I’d like to get something out of the way right now… There seems to be a “myth” going around about fun travel that most people believe in. What I’m talking about is most people think that to have a great time, being around sexy, fun singles while traveling all over the world costs a fortune…But that couldn’t be further from the truth!
Sure, it’s expensive to take a limo to the air port, fly first class to a hot party destination, stay in a 5 star hotel and have a personal assistant follow you where ever you go…but who the hell actually wants that?
I mean most people just want to party and have an amazing time while seeing the world, and that can be done for a lot cheaper than most people think. In fact…
“The Experience Of A Lifetime Can Be Had For Under $300!”
That’s right, you can party with fun and exciting singles just like you for what you would expect to pay for a nights stay in a fancy hotel…and it’s all thanks to something called singles travel tours.
And if you are single, young, looking for fun and excitement and want to see the world there is no better choice than to go on a singles travel tour!
There are many tours you can go on, to countries all over the world. From Spain, to Australia to Egypt the world is your playground!
So if you wanna start traveling the world, with fun sexy singles from all over this great planet you can learn all about fun singles travel and the best tours you can take, once you get your hands on…
Here’s just a small sample of all the exciting things you are about to discover:
- An introduction to the fun, exciting and wild world of singles travel (find out what happens on singles tours, what you do when you go on a singles tour, who usually goes and what you should expect)
- A list of the world’s hottest party destinations you absolutely MUST visit! (I bet you didn’t even know some of these places existed :)
- Get the scoop on Ibiza, what’s it really like? (find out everything from the best time to go, to info on cheap hotels)
- A review of the 5 hottest, most exciting singles tours companies around! If you are serious about having an awesome time, these are the 5 tour companies you absolutely MUST consider (Thanks to these awesome companies, you can choose to go on wild singles tours all around the world…starting at under $300)
- An informative guide on Backpacking in Europe, and staying in hostels (If you want to see Europe but are on a tight budget this is definitely the guide for you!)
- How to study overseas (if you want to learn a new language, there is no better way to do it than study in the country of it’s origin
- A list of all the things you should think of packing when going on a tour.
- A simple and easy guide to taking your dream Bahamas cruise.
- All about singles cruises and why their not for everyone (you’ll decide whether or not this type of singles travel is for you)
- Club Med! You’ve heard about it, and so have a lot of others…so how good is it really? Find out once you get your hands on the “Make Solo Travelling Fun” ebook!
- But most importantly, you’ll find out all about the best tours you can take if you want to party, have fun, see the world and simply enjoy life with fun and sexy singles just like you!
As you read these words, there are thousands of young people, having fun and experiencing the time of their life all around the world. From Ibiza, to Prague to Rio there is always a party or club to go to and there is always young people doing exactly what they should be doing…living!
And once you get your hands on the “Make Solo Travelling Fun” e-book you can join these young, sexy and fun loving singles from all over this great planet and travel to the hottest party destinations in the world to have the time of your life!
And how much is that worth to you?