Life Coach Cash University
From The Desk of: Rich PLR
RE: Life Coaching 101!
Dear Friend,
Are you someone who enjoys helping others? Do you get a sense of gratification when you know you have helped others succeed at something?
Do you know that there is way more you could be doing with your life and knowledge you have and you don't want it to go to waste?
If you said yes to any of these questions then becoming a life coach just might be right up your alley!
Today many people are jumping on the bandwagon and seeking positive changes in their personal and professional lives.
There are a number of people hoping to find success, but they don't know where to start and what are the best decisions to make along the way.
There are so many people today that say..."Well, I should do this and that would make this better"...or..."If I wouldn't have waited then this would not have happened."...
Of course you have. You probably have found yourself saying them as well as myself.
The crazy thing is most of us are the only thing holding ourselves back from true success. My father use to tell me, "Son, you are your own worst enemy."
I look back at his words of wisdom today and he was exactly right! What he meant was no one can hold you back from success or anything you want in life more than yourself. What great advice!
Think about that for just a second...
Ask yourself how many times have you said, "That would take too much time to learn."...or..."Maybe I should just wait and try something else."
This is where the help of a life coach comes into play. A life coach helps guide people through the process of transforming a person's life for the better; whether it is personal, business, wealth, or even wellness.
They help people lay out a plan, execute the plan, and achieve their goals!
This intense report I am going to share with you will...
I am going to be frank with you. Life has not always been a smooth pathway.
There have been several times that I have failed at doing something.
I mean fail...miserably failed. Over and over...fail, but that is the key to why I am successful now.
I never quit. I never let anything stop me. I kept a "never say die" attitude. Some that know me say it's plain out my stubbornness. :)
Whatever the case may be it has lead me to greener grass and a mega amount of success. Now I am a lucrative life coach with many clients and I absolutely adore my career and life.
And now I want to share all my success secrets with you so you too can prosper and become the next big life coach.
All the ingredients can be found in my latest report...
This incredible guide will show you how to become a life coach, what you need to do, how to start, how to make money doing it, how to market your services, what to look out for, and what to do to stand out above the crowd...I'm leaving nothing out!
Find out what the true meaning of a life coach is and how it can become a rewarding career for anyone!
Learn about the different types of life coaching that you can become and help others with!
Discover how you can increase your training and knowledge when it comes to becoming a life coach!
Get many tips and suggestions to creating a profit empire after you have become a life coach!
Find out how you can make your profits soar with helpful traffic tactics that will drive visitors to your services!
Think websites are the only way to market your business? I've got other options you can take as well to get your services noticed!
What to know the top training facilities to get your life coach training... I've got it all right here!
Find out how articles, blogs, and social networks can add visitors to your site and money in your pocket!
Grab the in's and out's of relationship coaching, communication coaching, financial coaching, business coaching, and much, much more!
Get the step by step plan to creating your own life coaching business with these helpful tips, suggestions, and strategies in this one-stop-guide to life coaching!
Now, I am certain that you know this guide has everything you need to know about becoming a successful life coach based on all the information I am covering.
You are probably thinking that the price tag on this sacred report resembles the price tag on a nice diamond ring or something.
Well my friend, that is far from the truth.
You see, I got to looking at what people were charging for this information and I was outraged! It was ridiculous!
Even for the training schools alone, teaching the same thing I am, are charging anywhere from $3,000-$4,000. I even saw some charging up to $15,000! Are you freaking kidding me?!
And as for just a report or eBook get ready to spend $97 easily. That's totally absurd to pay such a fee when I am giving you all the information those vampires are charging you $97 for.
So I thought long and hard. I wanted to help others get on the path to success without having to pay that much.
I knew I could just go half and charge around $47, but then it hit me to do something crazy, something that would make all the others charging an arm and a leg cringe!
So, for a limited time only, and I DO MEAN LIMITED, I am giving you the opportunity to grab this life coaching report for an affordable...
I am going to go out on a limb to prove my faith in this must-have report.
So I decided to take action, go a step further to ease your concern and take away all the worry and risk.
My confidence is so high in this report that if for any reason whatsoever if you feel like this has not made an impact on your life and you don't feel like you got your money's worth...
I will plain out give you all of your money back!
And this isn't a guarantee for 10 days or 30 days...I'm giving you a bona fide, FULL 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!
How can you say no to that?
So not only do you get this report on becoming a life coach; you get it at a measly price...with an iron clad guarantee! What a steal, eh?
Look, be honest with yourself...
Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is what I call insanity!
There is nothing wrong with getting knocked down a few times, it's making sure you get back up and keep moving forward. So what are you going to do?
Lay down and give in to defeat. Or, get up and keep on pushing forward.
This is your chance today to change your life the way you see it and get what you want out of life.
The risk is all taken away by the guarantee I have given you and the cost you are paying will be made back 100 times with the information you are receiving.
So what's it going to be? Make the right choice and grab your copy before they are all gone!
Risk-Free Acceptance Form!YES! I want INSTANT DOWNLOAD ACCESS to this must-have report that will improve my life and business! I also understand that I'm fully covered by a 60-day, no hassle guarantee and that if for any reason I'm not completely satisfied with the report I can simply ask for a refund! Having said all of that, I'm placing my order NOW...
Order Now For A One-Time Payment Of Only $47!
To Your Success!
Rich PLR
P.S. Remember you get an IRON CLAD 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!
P.P.S. Don't wait! This offer will not last forever and it will sell out FAST!