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Lead Generation Mastery Course (Videos)

Lead Generation Mastery Course (Videos)

$27.00 $197.00

Discover The Step-By-Step System To Create Massive Leads From Scratch, And Start Generating Insane Profits

(Even If You're A Complete Newbie!)

Dear Marketer,

Do you want to start an online business but you have no idea where to begin?

Everytime you hear people talking about getting traffic from Google, Facebook and social media.

You can get all the traffic from the world but if you don't do this ONE thing, all your efforts are only going to waste.

You can send the traffic to a website or sales page you own, maybe a couple of people will buy but what happens to those who don't?

How do you get in touch with them again? Industry standards state that only 2% of your traffic will convert into buyers. So what happens to the 98%? A total waste isn't it?

Research has shown that it takes at least 7 times before someone buys from you. The chances of someone buying your offer the first time is relatively low.

It takes time to build trust, connection and make them see you as an authority.

Imagine if you could follow up on the 98% and send them valuable content and help them with a problem and get them in your good books. There's a higher chance they will actually buy from you, right?

Imagine if there's a way for you to keep in touch with the additional 98% of them.

This is where lead generation comes in.

What Is this "Lead Generation" Thing That Everyone Talks About

When you have a list, you can follow up with your potential customers. Send them relevant offers that will help them achieve what they want. You're not spamming them but you have their permission to do so. If you use it properly and engage with your subscribers, you will benefit a lot from it.

Many people do not know the importance of an email list and what you can do with it.

If you ask many experienced marketers, they'll say..."The Money Is In The List"

So what can you do with a list?

Send multiple offers over a period of time

Share blog posts

Increase engagement

Send traffic to your blog site

Why do you want to build a list?

To be profitable online you need TRAFFIC.Period.If you have your own list, you don't need toworry about traffic anymore...

Here's why...

By sending a simple email to my list with a link to my site, Boom!

Why Most People Struggle To Make Money Online And Might Never Make It

Here are a couple of reasons why most people fail to make money:

Shiny object Syndrome They tend to get distracted and look for the latest 'strategy' or fad to make money online. When it doesn't work, they look for a new offer that looks exciting. It's called the Shiny Object Syndrome. There are tons of ways to make money but ultimate no matter what you do, you need to build a list. Even the marketer who's promoting the latest offer will use email marketing to promote the offer.

No Game Plan You might have an idea how it works but lack real planning and strategy to execute it. There's no point doing things blindly, expecting any solid results from it. If you have a clear plan on where you're going with it, it's not going to work.


The Real Reason Only 1 Out Of Every 10 Marketers Are Going To Generate Massive Profits In The Online World

Most people have no idea what to do when it comes to lead generation and that's not the worst yet. Some marketers don't even have a list! It's not as difficult or complicated as it sounds. You might have some assumptions, that:

  • Only people who are technical can do this
  • I'm a beginner, I don't know how it all works.
  • Where do I get traffic from?
  • How do I write valuable content to my email subscribers
  • I don't know how to create products that sell.
  • And many more reason why lead generation is difficult for you….

You are consumed by your fear. All of the above doesn't matter because as long you're willing to learn, I'm here to guide. All of started from somewhere, we began to learn to read, write and calculate when we're kids. It's the same thing with lead generation and online businesses.

Lead Generation Mastery

How to Generate Targeted, Qualified Leads For Your Business Using Smart, Cost-Effective Strategies

12 Part Video Training Course, Instant Download After Purchase

What You Will Learn:

Video #1: Lead Generation Mastery - Overview See the big picture and what list building is all about before you dive in.

Video #2: How To Create Your 'Bribe' Offer Learn to come up with highly enticing free offers to get more visitors to sign up to your list

Video #3: How To Create A High Converting Landing Page Techniques to optimize your landing page to convert more of your visitors to become subscribers

Video #4: How To Write Your Follow-Up Emails Learn to write responsive emails to keep your readers engaged and look forward to your emails

Video #5: Buying Email Solo Ads Discover one of the most effective methods of generating traffic to build your list

Video #6: Generating Leads From Facebook Get highly targeted traffic from the biggest social media network at a very low cost

Video #7: Ad Swaps Generate more leads thru strategic parterships with other marketers in your niche

Video #8: Using Google Adwords To Generate Leads Direct highly responsive leads who are looking for solutions on Google and bring them to your landing page.

Video #9: 100% Commission Offers The insider secrets on why you should give out %100 Comission offers to make massive profits,

Video #10: Adding Your Offer To Other People's Thank You Page Leveraging on your joint venture partners to build your list without much effort.

Video #11: Joining Give Away Events Supercharge your list building efforts by using the power of give away events.

Video #12: Search Engine Optimization A free method on how to rank on search engines and get massive traffic to your page.


And Much More...

You're probably asking, "How much is this entire training course?"

But ask yourself, how much it would cost you if you dont start master lead generation for your online business?

The basic cost to start an online business, you need a domain name ($10 a year), web hosting ($10 a month), autoresponder ($20 a month) and your traffic budget for starters (as low as $100).

That's a total cost of around $140.

Sure it's relatively cheap but the biggest mistake you can do is to do things blindly and set up everything from scratch without a game plan. It costs money to set up your site, web hosting and autoresponder but if you don't know what you're doing, you won't get any results whether you spend $140 or $14,000 even.

There's no point in wasting your time and effort and doing things by trial and error.

I've spent a lot of time, money and effort to learn everything from scratch. It took a lot of sleepless nights and hardwork to figure this whole list building thing. I dont want you to go through the same thing.

Years of experience from my product launches, and email marketing has gone into creating the Lead Generation Mastery and you're getting it only at a fraction!


I'm Also Throwing In These Bonus Videos

Bonus Video #1: How To Optimize Your Lead Generation

Learn to split test your sales funnel to get the best bang for your buck. Increase your conversions and generate massive profits just by tweaking your funnel with the same amount of traffic.

Bonus Video #2: How To Monetize Your Mailing List

Discover different ways of monetizing your email list and it's the closest thing you will get to a 'push-button' system.

Bonus Video #3: How To Write Profit-Pulling Emails

Craft highly engaging emails that will make your readers loyal followers and responsive to your offers. The more responsive they are, the more profits you make.

Alright that's all there is to it.

Get your online access to my training videos now and become a superstar bestselling speaker starting today.



Add To Cart - $197 $27


P.S. Don't make the mistake of not building a list. Avoid the learning curve by using this step-by-step system and get a headstart in your online business. Imagine having your own list of buyers who are ready to buy your offers, over and over again. It's the closest you get to having your own "push-button system"!


100% Satisfaction Or Your Money Back Guarantee

I know you will be absolutely thrilled once you got through my course. It's not the usual stuff you know so well of. But if I am proven wrong, if you’re not satisfied with this course for ANY valid reason, contact us within 30 days from your purchase and I will refund your purchase in full. No questions asked. You have absolutely nothing to lose.