Keep Your Money To Yourself (Audio & eBook)
Out in the Open: Why "Full Coverage" Doesn't Necessarily Mean FULL Coverage and How You Can Save Potentially Hundreds of Dollars on Your Auto Insurance”
“The Day Has Dawned: Stop Burning Money Like Gas And Take Advantage of Expert Methods Proven to Ignite Dramatic Reductions in Auto Insurance Costs!"
"The Secret Methods Proven to Keep More Money in Your Hands and Out of The Corporate Accounts of Greedy Insurance Companies Have Been Hoarded Into One Controversial Source ...And I'm Betting It’s Got Red-in-the-Face Insurance Executives Stark Raving Mad!"
From: Rich PLR
Dear friend,
Allow me to ask you a quick question...
"Did you get or renew your car insurance this year?"
If you did, then let me ask you this more important question...
"Would you have not minded if that figure was 30%, 20% even 10% LOWER?"
Well, I think the answer to that is obvious (unless of course you are a wealthy billionaire and couldn't care less what insurance your Ferrari has - you could just buy a new one, right?).
Assuming you are like most people and could do with the extra cash somewhat "wasted" unnecessarily (more into that later) then you'll read on...
I mean, where better else is there for the extra money to be - than back in your own wallet?
You probably work 9 to 5 and have enough on your plate to deal with.
For instance, raging gas prices (and even food now too!).
So what better thing to do right now than lower your premiums for this year, next year and every single year after?
It's Not All That Hard to Get a Great Deal: In Fact It Could Made Incredibly Easy... But Then Again That Would Be an Insurance Companies Nightmare!
If you’re like most people, trying to decipher the lawyer-written sentences of your insurance binder is a feat of strength.
With all the confusing jargon, overly-complicated words and phrases, and not to mention the small print - how can you be expected to be able to compare other deals and save yourself some cash?
I mean, how can you possibly sift through all the pages and pages of long, boring and NOT-straight-to-the-point documents, from many different insurance companies and expect to come up with the cheapest?
Well, to be honest, I'm no magician - but I can sure help, and here's how...
Take a Glance at Some of the Must-Have Information, Secrets and Insight that You've Just Stumbled Upon and Will Discover In a Little Under 3 Minutes!
- Turn to page 7 for a no-nonsense breakdown of the 17 most common terms and phrases in YOUR insurance plan, and uncover the nitty-gritty details the lawyers DON’T want you to see!
- On page 13, I’ll tell you what you MUST understand about your policy’s maximum coverage amount, including the rare cases when expenses can drain even the highest maximum amount, leaving behind thousands upon thousands of dollars in bills that must be paid by YOU alone!
- To discover the winner in the never-ending battle of Full Coverage vs. Minimum Coverage insurance, flip your copy to page 14, where I’ll tear down the insurance industry curtain to reveal the factors you must consider to make choice that’s right for you!
- Also on page 14, find out the shocking truth behind the meaning of “full coverage,” and why this falsely reassuring insurance “plan” doesn’t cover what you think it does! And if you haven’t purchased these 2 essential insurance plans, your coverage is anything but complete!
- If you’ve been convicted of any of these common violations, then you can’t afford to not fill out this little-known yet essential form revealed on page 18. I’ll divulge how to tell if you need to fill one out, how to file it…and the IMPACT it could have on the cost of your insurance!
- There’s a good chance that your insurance agent has offered you something called “Gap Insurance.” But before you make a single move on his offer, you MUST open-up to page 21, where I’ll spill the hard truth on this often-unneeded insurance policy and arm you with the knowledge to know if its benefits are REALLY worth your money.
- Chances are, you’re already familiar with the concept of deductibles, but if you let the “Insider’s Information” divulged on page 24 be your guide, everything you need to know about deductibles and HOW they affect your insurance costs will be at your fingertips. Even including the most common deductible prices and the amounts they cover!
- Even if you’re already subscribed to an insurance plan, the vital information passed-down on page 28 could open your eyes to the fact that you might be blowing away thousands of dollars on a plan that offers the crappy coverage at an inflated price!
- Your jaw will hit the floor when you view the honest, no-BS charts beginning on page 28 that reveal how you could be saving hundreds upon hundreds of dollars on your insurance deductibles this very moment!
- …And if you’re thinking about keeping your violation an innocent little secret from the insurance company, then it’s essential that that you alert yourself to the sneaky tactics revealed on page 38 insurance companies ALWAYS use to uncover your “dirty little secrets,” no matter how big or small!
- Prepare to be amazed as I reveal the shocking TRUTH behind the factors that insurance companies consider when calculating the price of your coverage, including how something as innocent as your Zip Code could mean a difference of hundreds of dollars! This startling information, as well as methods of protection from these slimeball clauses, is disclosed beginning on page 40!
- If you wanna' possibly slash hundreds of dollars off the cost of your insurance plan and keep more of your hard-earned cash, then take advantage of these 6 little-known “Discount Tactics” uncovered on page 48 that are astonishingly easy to qualify for and don’t cost a penny! (in fact, you’re probably fulfilling one discount’s requirements every time you step into the car!)
- SPECIAL REPORT: If you’re ready to stop pouring money into the pockets of greedy insurers and start saving, then my fool-proof “7 Steps to Dirt-Cheap Insurance” detailed on page 48 will guide you through the process of securing an insurance rate that could be lower than you ever thought possible... EVER!
and there really is so much more than I can't go into detail right now.
In fact, take a listen to this:
You know, there isn’t a car owner on the face of the EARTH that doesn’t have numerous questions about buying auto insurance.
And if you’re ready to hear honest, no-nonsense answers you can trust, then I've dedicated a whole section to an exclusive question-and-answer session where I’ll answer the most commonly asked questions about buying auto insurance and reducing rates.
Now come on, what could be better than that?
I'm betting you've got at least a couple of them - just itching to get out!
And why not?
Now is the perfect opportunity.
Not only will you be saving a bundle of cash (not to mention your friends - if you tell them that is!) and not only will you discover everything we mentioned in the summarized bullet-list above...
...But best of all - you won't have to wait.
Actually, you know what, I'm not gonna' keep you.
I'm going to save the high-pressure sales techniques because when I reveal these 2 magic figures and you mentally compare them to the amount of money that you can save almost INSTANTLY... well, you'll have already clicked the link.
It's $37 (yes I know, peanuts!).
I'll let that do the talking.
You know what the right choice is.
You know where you need to be.
And you will soon know what you need to do to get there.
The choice is yours.
I know which I'd go for.
I'd Click Here Immediately to be Taken to Our Secure Order Form...
Oh and by the way - probably most important of all - IF you can't seem to agree with me that this book is worth AT LEAST TEN TIMES your investment today, then I urge you to enforce your GOD given rights (below) -->
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If for any reason at all you change your mind about ordering now; you think your investment of $9.95 isn't justifiable; or you've just found something better (or for less) - I'll promptly and courteously refund every penny of your money.
No conditions, no questions asked, and definitely no hard feelings.
You'll got a full 58 days to test out everything mentioned in the book, and if there's something you don't like (even if it's the color of the font!) then it is within your god given right to an immediate, quibble-free refund.
Even if it's the 59th minute of the 23rd hour of the 57th day.
And, as a way of showing my appreciation for taking the time to test drive my methods and techniques, I'll let you keep your copy FOREVER (whether you ask for a refund or not) - just for having faith in me.
That's how confident I am in the material that I prepared especially for you. In fact, you were just the person I was thinking of when I was putting this incredible resource together.
And finally, I respect your integrity and honesty, so I believe that you won't take advantage of me by trying to pull a "freebie" on me.
Even if you could get away it ;)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hope to see you soon :)
Looking forward to your success story,
Rich PLR
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P.S. # 1 - You’ve heard the goofballs on those commercials bragging about how much money they’ve saved on their car insurance, but if you’re ready to turn this fantasy into your reality, then this book could literally be the highest-yielding investment you’ve ever made."
P.S. # 2 - "But my insurance payments really aren’t that expensive," you say. If your insurance costs aren’t exactly straining your budget, then your gut feeling may be telling the truth – this book may not be of much use to you.
And in that case, I guess you also wouldn’t have any use for the extra $300, $400, or more that you stand to make in a short period of time by applying just a few of the techniques waiting within your soon-to-be book.
Now come on, try tell me that THAT isn't the best option?
Like I said - it's there if you need it (and you DO)!
All it takes is a click.