Guide to Understanding Lyme Disease
A Perfect Outing Can Turn Into A Nightmare – 8 Out of 100,000 Individuals Have Lyme Disease!
Discover Why Lyme disease Is The TOP INFECTIOUS DISEASE In Terms of Spread Rate
Put this groundbreaking information in your hands in minutes. Keep your family safe by practicing prevention and the key to prevention is knowledge!
If you have no experience with this dreaded disease, you need to get your copy right away!
What makes this disease so insidious is because of its “stealth like” symptoms. When the tick arrives on the human body it is as tiny as a poppy seed and the bite is virtually unnoticeable.
We can’t stress enough how important this information is for you. If you or a loved one is diagnosed with Lyme Disease this information will show you how to cope with the diagnosis.
One of the primary problems with this disease is that the symptoms are very much like the symptoms of other illnesses so proper testing is a priority.
Every year, the majority of the 150,000 Lyme disease patients in the United States are children and teenagers. Mostly our youth from northern areas are common hosts for deer ticks that cause Lyme disease.
Many of our fun activities like camping, grass sports and hunting have been compromised due to the developing epidemic. Not only are our youngsters more susceptible hosts they are also more prone to developing more serious complications form the disease.
Chronic Lyme disease is extremely serious and can be permanently debilitating. It continues to be very controversial in nature since there is no specific cure and several other complications can result form the progress.
The importance of knowing what you are up against with Lyme disease can’t be stressed enough. It does not discriminate and can hit with
- What is Lyme disease – Learn the symptoms and how to differentiate them from other potential illnesses.
- Testing for Lyme disease – Tests are researched and the tongue twister names are explored and explained in detail.
- Lyme disease in Children – Many of the symptoms in children and teens are also present in several other diseases making Lyme disease earn the dubious name as “The Great Imitator.”
- Lyme Disease in Women – Is much more difficult to diagnose. Doctors have a harder time getting an accurate clinical diagnosis because of the 28-day hormonal cycle. Learn how the symptoms are aggravated because of this.
- Acute or Chronic – Discover the differences between the two different types and how to deal with the chronic type that is extremely sad.
- What Treatments Are Available – The primary treatment is antibiotics however antibiotics are not always effective. All the different types of treatments for both acute and chronic Lyme disease are explored in detail.
- Diet and Nutrition – Learn what foods a Lyme disease sufferer should be eating. You might be surprised.
- Antibiotics and Lyme disease – An explanation of the different types of antibiotics is explored in detail.
- What is a Rife Machine – Four Types of Rife Machines are sometimes used for treatment of Lyme disease. Find out what these machines are and how they work.
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber – You may be familiar with this type of equipment and how it is used for divers as an example. However, you may be surprised to learn how it is used in the treatment of Lyme disease.
- About Ozone Therapy – This may sound like something out of science fiction but has shown to be somewhat effective in certain situations.
The most important thing to understand is that under some circumstances Lyme disease may not be curable but is always treatable.
However, you are about to receive solid quality information on how to prevent your loved ones from falling victim to this disease and, if it does occur be aware of the symptoms.
Your input can be extremely important when a physician is trying to diagnosis symptoms in your child. Make sure you know what to share with the doctor. Even suggesting the possibility of exposure can lead to appropriate testing and could ultimately render a life-saving diagnosis.
The Guide to Understanding Lyme disease equips you with the knowledge to prevent this debilitating disease or at the very least help your physician to render a correct diagnosis.
The Guide to Understanding Lyme disease is a definite “must have” for any family. This information is priceless. Don’t take chances with your family’s health. Protect your family. Get your own copy today and be prepared!