Coping with Depression (Audio & eBook)
Researchers Estimate Roughly 20 Percent of the Population Suffers From Depression at One Time or Another…
Discover A Life Transforming Look At Depression That Will Change Your Outlook On Life, And Provide New Hope, New Guidance, And A Better Quality Of Life
Are you one of the millions of people that suffer from recurring sadness, lack of motivation, fatigue, and poor self-esteem?
You may be suffering from depression. Researchers suggest more than 20 million Americans will suffer from at least one episode of major depression during their lifetime.
Depression is a commonly misdiagnosed or under-diagnosed condition. It may manifest as physical or emotional symptoms.
According to the National Institutes of Health and Centers for Disease Control, common symptoms for depression include:
- Change in eating or sleeping behaviors that persist for more than one week.
- Lack of motivation.
- Hyper-reaction to life experiences.
- Changes to one’s physical appearance.
- Unexplained aches or pains that persist.
- Thoughts of suicide.
- Lack of energy and enthusiasm for activities one once enjoyed.
- Feelings of abandonment or loss of hope.
- Feelings of isolation.
- Persistent use of alcohol and other substances to self-medicate.
- Physical symptoms including lethargy, mystery illnesses, or constant headaches.
The list goes on. While depression is a common illness, many people suffering from depression don’t even know they have it. Worse, they don’t know how to cope.
Are you ready to change the way you live your life, and improve your odds of enjoying life using a new, creative and innovative approach to living?
Are you a family member trying to cope with a loved one’s illness?
With one in ten of every people suffering from depression, the odds are high you will suffer from depression or assist a family member during their suffering.
When it comes to depression however, the news is good. When treated with prompt care and guidance, more than 90 percent of patients will recover fully.
Depression affects the mind and the body. To treat depression fully, one must address both the mind and the body. A pill is not enough; psychotherapy for some patients may not be enough. Depression isn’t about either or; rather, it is an integration of processes both physical and emotional in nature.
Coping With Depression is a new and innovative look at depression that evaluates:
Want to learn even more? If you suspect you or someone you love suffers from depression, you owe it to yourself to learn as much as you can about this debilitating condition. Learn More Now.
You owe it to yourself to find out:
- How to diagnose depression and who to seek for support and guidance when seeking care for depression.
- What 7 criteria are most often used to diagnose depression in individual’s young and old alike, so proper treatment can be initiated.
- How to distinguish between depression and dysthymic disorder, a condition that is similar to, but not the same as, depression.
- Tools for distinguishing between depression and bipolar depression, so preventive care is precise, accurate, and designed to prevent worsening of one’s condition.
- What the 5 major effects of depression are and how you can transform those effects so you can learn to live a rewarding and happier life.
Discover New Skills For Overcoming Depression Quickly, Simply and Effectively…
Learn how to deal with depressive emotions including fear, self-defeat, and sadness using proven tools. Find out how to overcome, and not just “cope” with anxiety, a common feature present in depressed patients.
Are you someone who has a special talent for “stuffing” your feelings? Do you pretend that you feel o.k. even when you do not?
People with depression are very good at repressing their symptoms and isolating themselves to the point where they get sicker. One of the first steps toward recovery is learning how to feel. Only then can you take positive steps to “feel” better.
You can learn how to feel, how to cope AND how to survive, when you invest in this new guide . . . Coping With Depression
Do not let depression conquer your life. You can learn how to set priorities and take charge of your life, whether you use medication therapy or not to overcome your feelings.
Imagine for a moment, a life where you feel you can achieve anything, where you no longer feel your goals out of reach, but instead recognize your potential for success and joy in everything you do, say and feel.
Think it isn’t possible? Think again. Coping With Depression teaches you the exact steps you need to take to overcome feelings of worthlessness, repression and isolation so you can once again start enjoying life to the fullest.
Find out what these terms mean and how you can use them in your recovery. Learn to identify goals that state how you WANT things to be, and start attracting positive things to your life instantly.
Do you want to work more productively? End self-destructive behaviors and adopt more assertive, self-supporting behavior?
There is hope…
Coping With Depression
Depression is a serious issue, one we do not take lightly. On that note, we are willing to give you our all to ensure your journey toward health and recovery is one that is filled with promise and hope.
If you decide to invest in Coping With Depression today, we’ll also offer you a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. Take your time. Review the material. Discover a new way of thinking and coping with depression that will change the way you look, feel and live your life.
If you don’t agree that this book provides everything we guarantee, just send us an email and we will refund your money, no questions asked.
What is important is your recovery. So, by investing in, Coping With Depression, you risk nothing. You have the right to a prompt and full refund if and when you need. You are fully protected with our guarantee.
Enjoy the most impactful, eye-opening book ever written about depression today. Not “Just” another treatment guide, see how depression manifests and how recovery can happen through the stories of other patients suffering from and recovering from this disease.
Your future, your life and your happiness may depend on it.
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