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50 Healthy Ways to Slim Your Pet  PLR Ebook

50 Healthy Ways to Slim Your Pet PLR Ebook

$7.00 $19.95


Hidden Danger! How Your Pet's Life Can Be Cut Short...


Did you know your pet may be miserable and in danger of dying years before they should? If your special friend is one of the 45% of pets that are overweight, then this may be the most important letter you ever read...

Dear Friend, 

Is your pet at a healthy weight?  Would you be willing to take a short quiz to find out?

Take a good look at your pet.

Does your pet have a broad, flat back?

Does it's stomach sag a little bit?  Can you maybe even grab a little handful of fat?

Is it at all difficult to feel ribs under its fatty layer?

Are you unable to figure out where its waist is?

If you answered 'yes' to any of the questions above, then it is likely that your pet has a weight problem.

Unfortunately, even just a few extra pounds can create a pet owner's nightmare of painful and costly health problems such as:



Heart Disease

High blood pressure

and even cancer.

You want what's best for your softy, cuddly, friend... a long happy life full of fun times together.  But it's not easy to keep them at a healthy weight when they whine like they are starving (near death's door) all the time...  And who can resist tossin' them a table scrap or two?

Slimming your pet down is going to be tough, right? WRONG.  With the right strategy shrinking your pet down to a healthy size can be a piece of cake.  And you still give the occasional treat.

Slimming Your Pet Down Can Be As Easy As 1, 2, 3.

No guess work is needed.  No trial and error experiments to try.  With a little expert guidance, getting your pet down to a healthy weight will be like clock work.

Introducing: "50 Healthy Ways To Slim Your Pet ".  An ebook that shows you exactly how to zap your pet's fat away, step-by-easy step. 

Read on for just a sample of the tips that will literally add years of life to your best buddy you love so much.

Step 1: How to choose a vet you can trust. (Page 6)

Diseases to check for that might be causing your pet to gain weight. (Page 7)

The truth about treats.  Discover which are healthy and which make your pet fat. (Page 8) 

Find out how many calories your pet needs everyday. (Page 9)

How to shrink your pet down to a healthy weight the safe and easy way. (Page 10)

Discover how often you should give treats to your pet. (Page 11)

Unravel the different diet needs of neutered or spayed pets. (Page 12)

Revealed! The best foods you can feed your pet. (Page 13)

Unsafe pet foods unveiled. (Page 14)

Myth exposed. People food- good or bad for your pet? (Page 15)

Won't eat new pet food?  The secret to switching foods without your pet noticing. (Page 16)

Pet diet products: Find out which one's actually work. (Page 19)

Secrets to the perfect meal size. (Page 20)

The dirty truth behind flavored gravies and sauces. (Page 21)

Discover if your pet's breed is known for weight and other problems. (Page 23)

How fast your pet should lose weight. (Page 24)

A guide to pet vitamins. (Page 25)

Unwrap the perfect diet for your pet's age and lifestyle. (Page 26) 

How to get your pet to enjoy exercise. (Page 31)

Great ideas and locations for exercise.  (Page 32)

Healthy exercises for dogs, cats and other small animals. (Pages 39- 40)

Helpful resources and special clinics. (Page 41)

...and there's much more!

Because you're reading this, I know that you love your pet.  That is why you'll be delighted once you start your pet on this weight loss plan...

Not only will your pet live longer, but the years will be more enjoyable for both of you.

You can feel good that you're giving your pet a longer, healthier life.

That's more time to snuggle, hug and bond with you're furry critter.

And think of all the money and pain you'll save from not having to frequent the vet later because your pet has a miserable disease.

It's Easy To Add Years To Your Pet's Life...

No need to play the guessing game when it comes to your pet slimming down.  Now you can shrink your pet down to healthy size without even having to think about it.  Just follow the simple instructions in "50 Healthy Way To Slim Your Pet " and POOF! Your pet's fat will melt away before your eyes.

You can stop scratching your head, wondering what to feed your little critter and how much, the answers are just one minute away. 

I know you want what's best for your pet.  But sometimes life is so busy it's hard to keep track of harmful pet foods, fattening treats, proper meal sizes and so on.  Make it easy on yourself. 

"50 Healthy Ways To Slim Your Pet " gives you:

A quick walk through everything you need to know to keep your pet healthy and happy.

Saves you time and vet consultation bills.

Takes the guess work out of your pet's nutritional and dietary needs.

A great reference for all of your pet's needs.

Your pets worth can not be compared to the measly price of an ebook.  But just think about all the pain, not to mention time and money, you'll save if you invest a couple of bucks today in your pet's long term health.  I offer "50 Healthy Ways To Slim Your Pet " to you today for only $4.95.  A small price to pay for a plan that's sure to add years of youth to your pet's life.

Your pet is counting on you, and you alone, for a life full of bright eyes and bushy tails.  For your pet's sake, please don't put off this chance to cut out all the work it takes trying to figure out a healthy life style and let "50 Healthy Ways To Slim Your Pet " effortlessly guide your pet to health with the precision of a Basset Hound on a scent trail.

Simply click the button above and claim your copy of "50 Healthy Ways To Slim Your Pet ".

Still undecided? You can claim your ebook now and decide later.  Go ahead and read "50 Healthy Ways To Slim Your Pet " from front to back if you like... or even take your time.  If at the end of 30 days you feel like discovering the easiest ways to fast track your pet's health and adding years on to their life isn't for you, then no problem.  Simply let me know and I will send you your money back.  No questions asked.

Too many pets fall victim to serious diseases all because their owners weren't aware of how simple it is to keep pets at a healthy weight.  Now you can make a few easy adjustments to your pet's lifestyle and explode the quality and length of their life.  Your pet's happiness, energy and health is more than worth it.

Click the button above, answer a few questions, and skyrocket your pet's health starting today.


Thanks for reading,

Rich PLR


PS 1 in 4 pets in the US are obese and are in line to develop serious diseases that'll bring misery and an early grave.  If you think you're lovable critter is a little on the thick side, just a few simple tricks could be the difference between a long healthy life and unneeded suffering.

PPS Keeping your pet at a healthy weight is a snap.  Just give me 1 hour and you'll literally add years of playful life to your furry friend.

PPPS Will you do your pet a favor?  Give it the best life possible.  Discover how in "50 Healthy Ways To Slim Your Pet"