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Child Safety Online

Child Safety Online

$4.95 $14.95

Is Your Child At Risk Of Being Lured By A Stranger Online?

"Discover How You Can Prevent Your Child
from Becoming a Predator’s Target and
Your Worst Nightmare!"


Dear Parent,

Children being are approached online by people they don’t know at an alarming rate. The majority of them are under the age of 15. Every year the percentage of child victims from this epidemic continues to grow. Is your child in danger of becoming a statistic?

Do you know what they’re doing when they’re online?

Any parent with a child knows that the thought of their child getting mixed up with an online predator is nothing but trouble.

Millions of children log on the internet each and every day. It used to be that the television dominated most of their time.

Now with the internet, television is just a passing memory.

Just like adults, children use the internet to surf and communicate with their friends. However, every day they access online is another day where they can get into something they’re not supposed to. Some children have adult supervision the entire time they’re online; but what about the ones that don’t? Parents that have full-time jobs or are constantly on the go don’t have that luxury. They for the most part, have to trust their instincts and hope their child does the right thing.

On the other side of the computer, there are strangers
ready to pounce on their next victim!

Your child is your responsibility, so you owe it to them and yourself to make sure the online environment around them is safe. Predators will do everything possible to remove that trust away from you and steer it toward them. With monitoring, you’ll be able to know your child’s every move on the internet.

Children will download anything that’s free. They know that they won’t have to bother you about buying it for them.

However, some of these items shouldn’t be downloaded because of potential threats to your computer. This report will let you know the forbidden free downloads and why they should not be downloaded on your computer.

If your child should happen to download any of the “forbidden freebies”, your computer is subject to being infected with spyware and malware. In this report, you will discover...

Signs that you may have them... How they affect your computer... How you can get rid of them

What you as a parent can do to protect the
safety and privacy of your child!

These predators come in all forms. There is no one standard for them. Your child may be thinking they’re conversation with someone their age. Come to find out, it’s a stranger looking for the next child victim. Most of the time these weirdoes are not in their right frame of mind. It doesn’t what kind of background the child is from.

Preying for a child online is an equal opportunity setup. Your child could come from one of several classes: wealthy, middle class or poor. There is no prejudice when it comes to young children. No matter what type of upbringing your child has, they are still at risk from being lured into this online trap.

Social networking is hot, and if your child is looking to make friends online, don’t be surprised if they become part of this online era. As a parent, you must educate yourself on the dangers that come with your child getting involves with social networking sites.


A Few Things to Look
Out For:

Different ways your child could be accessing these sites other than the home computer
Why they should be careful about posting their personal information online. In reality, they shouldn’t be doing it and this report explains why
Why you should follow their every move on social networking sites
Where in your house you should not install a computer and why
Why it’s not a good idea for your child to upload photographs of themselves on the internet for strangers to see

Just Look at What my Customers are Saying:



Thank you so much!

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Barbara and Tom from Dallas





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Yes! For just $4.95 this all inclusive guide will explain in simplified terms all the questions that have eluded you in your internet searches or textbooks on the subject.

Sometimes it seems as though the internet is your child’s best friend. Being online has turned into another world for them.

The good thing about this is there are things they can do that can be rewarding and provide educational insight. On the other hand, there are areas online that provide your child in unknown waters. You as a parent, should be mindful of providing them with guidance and a strong sense of security.

It’s important for you to stay informed and involved because the online world changes in an instant and the change is constant. One minute your child may be involved in this; the next minute it may be something else. So, it’s very important to keep up with what your child is involved in online.

Getting this report will help you navigate through keeping your child safe amid a sea full of predators who would like nothing more than to take a shot at getting your child’s attention. That’s why establishing and having a relationship with your child is so very key to their success and safety online.


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Rich PLR


P.S. As a parent, the choice is yours. You can choose to sit back and do nothing, or you can choose to take IMMEDIATE action to preserve your child’s well being online.